If I were to tell you that you can improve your trading results by just clicking a few hundred times on your mouse button, would you do it? You might say yes, but still, most people don’t do this, and I don’t get it. So in this video, we are going to talk about what I think is the most important thing that you need to do to improve your trading results. In this video, I would like to talk about something that people don’t because they think that they can save time or they think they would waste time if they would actually do it. You see this line here? This is a current backtest. It’s running for 32 minutes. It’s one of hundreds of back tests I do, and I’ve been doing this since 2014. So you can imagine this is a lot of time, and I have done a lot of back tests. And people usually think that trading doesn’t work because of their own results. And they might do five back tests or 21 back tests or 37 backtests. And at some point in time, they see that it doesn’t work because they have a big drawdown, like this one, but in much bigger.
And that’s when they convince themselves that it doesn’t work. And that’s when they stop. Well, in this case, I’ve been doing this backtest since 2014 until 2024. It’s still running, and it was never dangerous because we have never seen a big drawdown. And now the same people will say, yes, but you only have 30% profit. This should be much better. And that’s exactly the problem. So this backtest has been done with $10,000, and we are around the $3,300 profit mark. So let’s see if I can reach my other client that is running locally. It doesn’t work right now, so I have to copy and paste the screenshot from my other computer. So let’s resize this and you will see this is September the 12th, 2024. It’s about 10 minutes past 7:00. And this spec test made $4,083 with a $1,000 account. And let’s show the date on the current one here. This is also the same time, and it is the same day, first day, September the 12th. And we have made, let me see, 3,120 dollars. I’m using these settings here. This is the Robot Trading System, the last iteration from September the ninth.
And I have several of these just from this year. So I’m doing exactly this all the time to make it better. And I’m only doing Euro, US, Dollar. And if you look at the data here, the profit factor is over two. In this case, the total drawdown was $422, and the profit was about eight and a half times that value. And if you like to see results like this one or this one with a much smaller account, you just need to repeat the backtesting process and let your computer do this over and over and over again. And after a few hundred backtests, you have an idea to change something. And then you click on the Modify menu item here and just change one thing. And then you come back to your system and do a few hundred more back tests. The account number here is 37132419. So let’s Let’s try this URL here. Here are the trading results. This is how the current system looks like, in my case, in German, because I’m from Germany. But you could see everything and analyze everything in your language. You can pick one of the reports here, analyze each and every trade, just do a few hundred back tests.
And guess what? The more often you do this, the your system gets. But nobody is willing to do that. And this is one of the most common problems. And most people who have this problem and don’t do hundreds of back tests also think that a send account or a demo account would be a waste of time. And they also think that their own stop loss is actually going to save them money. So if you believe in these things, just Just do a few hundred back tests for at least one year, or in my case, this is for 10 years. And once you have something in place that looks like this, there is always enough time to improve it. So that’s it for this video. Thank you for watching, and I will see you in the next one. Okay, I hope I have convinced you to do back tests, a lot of back tests. Over and over and over again until you don’t like to see anything like that anymore, because that is the most important lever that you have to improve your own trading results. That’s it for this video. If this was too fast for you or if you have no idea how to do all this, maybe the premium course on our website might be interesting for you.
For now, I say thank you for watching, and I will see you in the next video.